saw one of the strangest movies last night – nurse betty – starring morgan freeman, =”,+Ren%E9e” target=”_blank]renee zellweger [/url]and chris rock
basically the plot is: soap opera addicted woman sees cheating, sleaze-ball, car salesman husband scalped then killed. freaked out woman has psychotic episode……. sod it! read the synopsis here
anyway it’s weird movie that i really wanted to end ‘cos it was confusing/embarrassing me – you know when you almost can’t watch something ‘cos you’re SO embarrased for the person?….. hmm, maybe you don’t :zoink:
Actually, I’m like that, too, with movies. 😐 If I get too embarassed FOR the character, I feel like leaving the room or screaming or something. For example, I couldn’t watch it in Zoolander when Ben Stiller’s character went up to pick up an award HE DIDN’T WIN!!! AAAA! My family thinks I’m weird. haha.
Omigod – I saw that movie in the middle of a 12 hour flight (London-LA) and know EXACTLY the scene you are talking about! The only problem is I couldn’t press the mute button or change channels ‘cos the plane only had a big screen and not those lovely individual TV’s 🙁
I also couldn’t stop myself watching – it’s kinda like an emotional car wreck – you HAVE to watch!