Another long weekend gone and my frustration with 56k dial up is growing 🙁
Vic’s Mum (Janet) turned up safe and sound on Saturday morning much to Vic’s delight. The rest of Saturday was basically spent chilling out and trying to keep Janet awake
On Sunday morning we took Janet into central London to meet up with most of the super six for brunch at Providores. Then it was off up to Colchester for Janet to meet some of her 8 brothers and sisters! and a birthday party that most of them attended. They were, of course, very excited to see her and the red wine mixed with jet lag made for an amusing spectacle As it was a long weekend we didn’t have to come back and spent Sunday night at Colin and Gills with the trip home only happening after a scrummy roast beef dinner early on Monday evening- yum!
It’s Tuesday now and Vic has the week off to spend with her Mum. I’m staying out of the way as much as possible as she has things planned for almost every day this week and I’m more than happy to leave them to it. Vic’s sister Ali also turns up from Canada on Thursday so it’ll be me and the three Foreshaw girls…………..