new job

Hi folks! smile  Long time no speak!

It’s Thursday night and at last I’ve found time to do a proper(ish) entry about my week so far…..

As you may know I started a new job on Monday at Real Solutions. I was up at 05:30 for the 5 hour drive to the head office of my new company in Hale, just South of Manchester, where I was to spend the week.  The drive up there was uneventful as was the first afternoon when all I really did was meet my boss and pick up my laptop (which was not going to work until I got back down to London anyway!)

The funny thing is I lost a filling whilst eating dinner on Monday night and had to call my new boss early on Tuesday morning to tell him that I would be in late! lol!  Tuesday was also good as I found out that I wouldn’t have to spend the week up north and could drive home that night and spend the rest of the week at home and working normal office. yay!

Wednesday found me in the office and meeting all the people that I’ll be working with on a day to day basis and I’m pleased to report that they seem like a nice enough bunch wink

I must say that it’s very strange but very nice to be back in an office environment after 4 months unemployment and 10 months working from home……… The drive each way is about 90 minutes and although this goes very quickly, this mixed with “normal” working hours is finding me absolutely shattered by the time I get home :zoink:

To all those people I usually visit – sorry I haven’t come around for a while but I really don’t have the time or energy to make comments. I am visiting when I can but it’s mostly furtive reading at work and I don’t really want to get caught commenting (just yet anyway wink)

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