Phew, the weather here in Wellington has been fantastic since we got home – 23/74 and clear everyday. Poor wee Max gets so hot and sweaty when he gets wound up (as do his parents!)
We had Jason and Laraine’s wedding on Saturday and had a great time. They both looked great and the service was lovely, unfortunately I missed half of it as I was outside trying to keep Max quiet I was also the MC for the night and managed to get through it without screwing up anything too major………
Staying with Vic’s mother hasn’t been too painful (not painful at all in fact!) We’ve had 9 days here and she has spoilt us rotten She’s been like a little elf – dirty dishes and laundry magically disappear and return clean and fresh! Tomorrow we are off to housesit for Jay and Larry while they are in Melbourne for their honeymoon and whilst it’ll be great to be on our own it will also be strange having to look after ourselves again. I get lazy really quickly
Sounds like you are enjoying life to the fullest
Have a great day!!