f -f – friday

pic? Another POTD at digitalphotocontest.com today – YAY!  An extremely set up shot as you can see but a bit of fun none the less smile

? Hells Pizza’s totally rock! They’ve just (today!) opened up a branch about 200 yards down the road. We had the mordor pizza and some mini samosas and everything was damn yummy!

? Max can now play peek-a-boo with us with him controlling whatever he wants to cover his face – so cute smile We also have a feeling that teeth 5 and 6 are on their way through……….

? The Blaster worm seems to be getting around.  Some of my blogging friends have been cursed with it and I spent 3 hours on Wednesday night disinfecting my mother’s PC which was also infected.  I’m also nipping up to Vic’s mum’s tomorrow to make sure that she’s all up to date. A tricky worm indeed!

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2 Replies to “f -f – friday”

  1. hell’s pizza is pretty good, but the very very best pizza in wellington has to be from the Mediterranean Food Warehouse on Constable Street in Newtown. try them sometime. 

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