Well, I’ve made it back from Sydney in one piece The week there was OK at best – training’s never that exciting and it was getting a bit warm for my liking at 37C/99F. Phew! What topped the week off beautifully though was the three and a half hours that it took me to check in for my return flight! The check-in system had gone down and so they had to do the process manually so you can imagine what a nightmare it was. The really bizarre thing though was the woman next to me in the queue was an old flatmate from about 15 years ago!
Two Max related things have also happened in the last week.
? He is now walking as much as he is crawling. I can’t believe the change in a week and he’s even got to the stage where he can toddle along and carry quite large objects. Good on ya Max
? On Friday he had his first major fall – all the way down the stairs from upstairs to the lounge (13 steps)! He only stopped when he hit the kiddie gate at the bottom……. Luckily he was OK and Vic (after much wailing from both of them) took him straight to the doctors to have him checked out. A bump on the head and a bit of blood from the mouth were all he had to show for it. You can imagine what I was like when Vic called me in Sydney to tell me……….
Aww the poor punkin! Unfortunately there’s more to come! Kids bounce back really quick though. It’s always harder on the parents