what a night

Man, what a night!  Wellington’s been in the grip of a major depression, weatherwise. for the last couple of days with strong, winds, rain, sleet and snow.  Last night it really struck with avengeance and we had hurricane strength southerly winds of 178kph (110mph!)

Our bedroom is on the southern side of the house and was getting the full force of the wind coming straight up the valley.  I honestly thought we might lose the roof (and still might as the weather hasn’t lessened up at all) and I ended up sleeping downstairs on the northern side of the house as the noise was just too much.

There are no trains running. One of the state highways out of the city is closed and the other is borderline because it has the sea breaking right over it. The airport is shut because of the weather and the fact that part of the terminal has lost it’s roof and damaged a plane – the list goes on.

Great day coming up!

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2 Replies to “what a night”

  1. Ya know, I heard about the weather and thought, I wonder how MVM are doing and thought, I bet Marc has already posted a comment and sure enough you have!!  Glad you are in one piece. Vic – miss you terribly (seen marc more). Will ph over weekend for catchup xx

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