just quickly

It’s Monday night and the last 5 days has just flown!

Thursday and Friday were spent out of town in Auckland on business.  I’m doing two jobs for the next month and will be spending two days out of town for the next three weeks.  Between the travelling and the two jobs things are crazy busy…..

Saturday saw me have my first ever professional massage!  It was a gift for my birthday from Jay and Larry and Saturday was the last day that the certificate was valid.  It was a neck, shoulder and back massage and Sunday saw me hardly able to move!  My knots felt like walnuts along my shoulders and the breaking down of them took it’s toll.

Vic’s birthday tomorrow smile

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4 Replies to “just quickly”

  1. Thanks Deb

    The thing is though, my birthday was in June smile It’s just taken me this long to use the voucher!

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