pre weekend

Vic and I are off to Auckland for the weekend tomorrow sans Max which, if nothing else, should be interesting smile We have my work Christmas party on Saturday night and Dell is sending us up for the weekend – yay!

Besides that the end of the week has been an important one for New Zealand:

? Yesterday saw the passing into law of the Civil Union Bill which basically gives same sex couples the ability to register their relationship and receive the same protection and rights as married couples.  This has divided the country and seen some pretty extreme views aired (most based around religious beliefs) All in all Vic and I agree with the bill.

? As of midnight last night it is illegal to light up a cigarette in pretty much any enclosed public space.  This includes bars, clubs, casinos and restaurants and follows the lead taken by a few other countries such as Ireland.  Another law that I agree with no matter what the smokers say about freedom of choice.  The law really just strengthens laws that are already in place relating to smoke free workplaces and was greeted by those unions whose members have to work in premises where smoking was traditionally heavy.  It’ll be interesting to see how things work out as smokers will not be fined but rather the business’ that allows them to do so (up to $4,000)

On a more personal note Max’s playgroup had their Christmas party today (at which I was the “official photographer” lol!  The joys of working from home wink) Food was thrown and balloons popped and everyone seemed to have a good time. Max is still terrified of getting too close to Santa but is a wee bit better than last year!

Anyway, have a good weekend everyone and enjoy that Christmas shopping smile

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One Reply to “pre weekend”

  1. Sounds like New Zealand is a nice place to call home.

    And Santa is a pretty scary individual. A STRANGER in a weird suit with a fake beard and your parents JUST PUT YOU ON HIS LAP!?!? My dogs hated Santa, also.

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