it’s a…..

It’s Wednesday already! Were did the week go? Mind you, in saying that, where’s the year gone?!

The weekend in Auckland was very enjoyable and it was great to catch up with our friends Ann, Claire and David.  The only problem is that after a night drinking (well, me at least) our body clocks had us waking at 06:02! 🙁 It was, however, quite nice to lie in bed chatting for two hours before dragging ourselves up for breakfast smile

In other news we had our 20 week scan yesterday and it seems that the baby is fine and healthy.  We even watched it opening it’s mouth and sticking it’s tongue out at us smile Max was there as well and when we ask where the baby is he points at Vic’s tummy (or if we are in bed he lifts her nightie up and waves at her tummy smile) I’m not sure if he really understands but it’s nice that he makes the effort wink

We won’t be putting anything on the weblog about the sex of the the baby in case there are people out there that don’t want to know (there were last time) so if you want to know then “>email me

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One Reply to “it’s a…..”

  1. You can tell us when we see you…looking forward to it, not long now…!!! See ya soon….Darren

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