
I got an email the other day stating that the software I use to run this weblog, pmachine has been discontinued.  I have become increasingly frustrated with it over the last few months and have been looking around for a replacement blog/CMS tool to replace it anyway.

Luckily the same people that bought out pmachine brought out a brand new product about a year ago called expressionengine which was built from the ground up and is much more powerful.  Unfortunately it costs (at a minimum) 75 USD……. On the other hand I paid 45 for pmachine and have got loads of use out of it.  Another plus is that ee has a great pmachine import script so the 670 odd entries can be moved.  I have a test site running here. One of the things I like is captchas with allow you to take steps towards eliminating blog spam (grrrr) without requiring registration.  Have a look at the bottom of the comments on the test site and you’ll see what I mean.

Anyway, it’s a 14 day trial so we’ll see how it goes smile

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3 Replies to “ee”

  1. Yeah, I looked at wordpress but I need a way to get my PM entries in (and the WP import script was a bit flakey at best)

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