I got back from Sydney yesterday and on the way through customs had my first “excuse me sir can you step over here” moment!
It started of when the guy in immigration wrote an “M” on my card when they sent me towards customs. Sad though it is I noticed that the “M” was not the norm as they usually write an “F” on it. I have no idea what either of them mean by the way…
Anyway I get taken over to a table and get asked all sorts of questions on what I do, who I work for and where I’ve been. After handing over a business card and an itinerary of the sales event that I had been to the customs offices disappears into a large mirrored room with my passport. I wasn’t worried at all, I just found it interesting that in all the travelling I’d done that this was the first time I’d been picked out.
When the officer came back he explained that they had had a chat to me because of all the travel I had done over the last 18 months and that they did it to ensure that I was in the business that I said I was and travelling for the reasons I had documented.
It should be interesting to see what happens when I get back from Sydney (off again next week) and back from Prague (off the week after)
I’ll let you know 🙂
Here’s another shot I took while I was away.
haha…story of my life,for obvious reasons in my case tho!!! pain in the ass if you have to get to a connecting flight!!! one time they wouldnt let me get ON the plane,sorry sir you look too intimidating to our other customers (wearing shorts and vest) that was a first!!! good luck with future flying…all good fun!
I always knew you had a dodgy side .. 🙂 Yay only a couple of more weeks until you are here – yippee
Well done,
Nice to know you have at last joined “Big Brother’s” Freequent Flyiers Club though there lounge facilities aren’t a patch on the Koru Club’s.Does this also mean that you can now use the VIP/air crews exit gate?? Dad
I notice you chose to omit the part where the customers official slipped on a pair of latex gloves, winked and said “we search all frequent flyers this way Sir”.