Today He’s Two …

I can’t believe my little baby boy is two today. Two years ago today when he was in such a rush to get here – I was cleaning like a crazy woman all morning, lay down for a restwindows 10 key Online in the afternoon and he kicked so much I couldn’t sleep, my contractions (which I thought were just baby kicks/stretches) weren’t bothering me but Marc was timing them nonetheless, then made me get into the car, took me to hospital and 36 minutesbuy windows 10 key after leaving home and two pushes later Elliot arrived into the world!

Happy Birthday Elliot …

friday five

I was going to do the Friday Five today but had a look at them and really couldn’t be arsed.

They are about dreams and so I couldn’t be bothered for 2 reasons.  The first is on the whole my dreams aren’t really very interesting.  The second is dreams mean almost as little to me as astrology (which is saying something)

Miserable?  Maybe.

friday five

1. What shampoo do you use? – Head and Shoulders.  The problem with having hair that’s about 1/8” long is that my scalp gets dry (too much information?)

2. Do you use conditioner? What kind? Nope – but I do moisturise my head!

3. When was the last time you got your hair cut? 3 days ago. I cut it myself about every 2 weeks

4. What styling products do you use? None

5. What’s your worst hair-related experience? When I was about 20 I had long brown hair in a ponytail.  The afternoon before our company Xmas party I got it cut short and died “platinum blonde” The only problem was that it actually came out more like piss yellow!  As it was such a big change no-one but me knew it was not the colour it was supposed to be.

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