Spring is here

Elliot in front of his bike
Lovely day and a bike - nice
With spring here in full force (at least for a few days) we went out and bought a towbar mounted bike rack. Now that Max is in an almost full size bike it’s really the only way to transport their bikes around.
Before we went shopping for the rack I took some photos of the boys in front of their bikes so that we’d have an idea of sizes. We took one of Max then one of Elliot. Max than asks if I could take one of Elliot with “me being an idiot in the background” -the shot here is the result…… 🙂

I ain’t afraid of no ghosts!

It was movie night in the Cramer household tonight and the boys had been on about Ghostbusters for a while.  Given that Max is a bit sensitive when it come to scary movies I thought this choice would be somewhat interesting.

After moving from his position in front of the TV to be on the couch with me after the very first ghost scene (to be fair they both did) I really didn’t think we’d get through it but he manned up and rode it out. He was really waiting to see the Stay Puft man and as it was at the end I guess he had to watch until the end 🙂

A couple of things I noticed about the movie:

  1. Everyone always seemed to have a cigarette in their mouth
  2. Sigourney Weaver, Bill murray and Dan Ackroyd looked so young! 🙂
  3. The special effects were pretty crap.  Were they any good even in their day?

Anyway, it’ll be interesting to see how the boys go tonight. They seemed to have gone of to sleep OK………..

birthday tooth

Busy day today!

First of all I ripped Max’s wiggly tooth out of his mouth!  It was an accident, honest!  I was getting Max dressed for his birthday party and we had put a t-shirt on that was too small.  In the process of taking it off it must have caught on his tooth and all of a sudden he was screaming and blood was pouring out of his mouth!  We looked around for his tooth for five seconds or so only to discover the tooth stuck up his nose!


We then had Max’s birthday party at a local swimming pool with 9 of his friends.  He really enjoyed it and it was a very stress free way for us to throw a party!



One of Max’s front teeth has been slightly wiggly for a while. Naturally he can’t leave it alone and today it took a turn for the wiggly worst 🙂 I reckon tomorrow……


six and counting

Max turned six today!
Vic and I were discussing last night that it just seems like yesterday that he was born. I remember the frantic drive through the streets of central London after I had the call at 02:30 from the hospital saying that Vic was 9.5cm dilated and wanting to push! Now Max is reading (or trying to) almost every sign, packet and brochure that he comes across.
Where does the time go? 🙂

unlike when i was a kid

Hi everyone – long time no see!  Things have been crazy around here but I think everyone is a wee bit mad at this time of year 🙂  Here are a couple of things that you may find interesting:

  • Vic had a great time in Auckland at the Kylie Minogue concert.  She had asked me a number of months ago whether or not I wanted to go and I’d said no. I suggested however that she take a few days away from the boys and go up herself (we had friends also going) while I took a few days off from work to look after the little ratbags.  The end result was that Vic had a great time shopping, doing lunch and concert-going while I had a lovely few days looking after the boys.
  • Max received his first report card from school.  He did brilliantly and in recognition we bough him a small gift.  It’s really interesting the way they measure children these days and Max scored the highest score in all sections except two.  He also received some lovely comments from his teacher at the end.  Want to see it? Here’s a copy (pdf – 2.3MB)

692 pieces

Max does a number of daily chores around the house (usually) and in return he gets pocket money (allowance).  He’s been saving up this money and any other cash that he’s been given for a while now to save up for the Lego Aiport and this week he had reached his target of $120!

This set is 692 pieces and even at five I reckon he completed at least 60% of it on his own with another 10% just us moving things slightly so they were right.  Good lad 🙂