getting there


on May 1, 2003

Max and I are slowly getting better and thanks for the thoughts everyone smile My fever has broken (it’s always nice waking up in a pool of sweat!) and now it’s just a clogged head and snuffly nose.  Of course I’m speaking just for me as Max has no way of telling us exactly what’s happening to him – just from the noises he’s making he seems to be following the same route as his Dad though.

On the job front I’m off to a meeting with one of the agencies in town this morning. It’s tough being out of bed by nine never mind out of the house! Unfortunately the job market seems pretty depressed in my area of IT at the moment so I’ll have to put some thought into whether I have any other skills that I can call upon………

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3 Responses to “getting there”

  1. Gina says:

    Feel better you two and good thoughts to you! smile

  2. lor says:

    hope you start feeling even better soon.

    and yeah, i’m on the job prowl myself…not looking too good. i’m pondering other skills i may have…but nothing comes to mind;)

    good luck! i’ve got fingers crossed. 

  3. Bekah says:

    Good luck with the job and the sickness…