cold – teeth

This bloody cold’s still hanging around 🙁 If it’s the same one that everyone else seems to have then it’ll be another week or so before it’s gone………

…… which wouldn’t be so bad except that I need to get more work done on my teeth 🙁 I’ve had trouble with a molar that I had rebuilt about 10 years ago and for the last 18 months or so I’d get sharp pains when biting down on it every now and again. I knew it probably had a small crack in it but there really wasn’t anything that could really be done about it – until now! I was eating yesterday and felt a really bad pain in that tooth and knew straight away that something had given way. When I went to have a look in the mirror the whole inside rear quarter of that tooth wiggled nicely when I pushed it – eek!  So it was off to the dentist today to be told that we’d have to remove the wiggly bit, rebuild it and the put a crown over the tooth (about a $1000 :() We have to start off making a mould and he asked if I wanted to do that now. I would have said yes but I can hardly breathe through my nose so had to put it off for a couple of days to see if I can kick this cold a bit. If I can’t I’ll just have to dose up on decongestants but unfortunately it means I have to be really careful what and how I eat.

Other than that there’s not much going on.. hmm..

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