I saw this on TechTV today. It’s the police log from the Arcata Eye newspaper. What a hoot! Here’s an example day:
Sunday, April 13
12:49 a.m. A woman apparently tried to beat her way into a closed G Street sandwich shop. But the door withstood her effrontery, and she was arrested and jailed on a public drunkenness charge.
1:13 a.m. Another public drunkiliciousness arrest, a few blocks away.
1:29 a.m.
A loyal wife picked up her swain
Who’d got too much booze in his brain
But the cross-’Cata cruisy
Made drinky-boy woozy
So he puked his guts down a street drain.
2 a.m. A big trailer park blowout prepared one man for a night in the Pink House of a drunk-o beef.
2:47 a.m. Yet another greenshirt, this one in his late teens, tried to enter a West End Road employee’s car and was detained in a makeshift break room brig before his trip to the Pink House.
3:42 a.m. A metaphor for human existence was spotted in the 1800 block of Q Street, but police couldn’t find the enfeebled, near-moribund personage seen crawling in the roadway, attempting unsuccessfully to rise.