Here I am in Auckland on a course so I thought I would test this from my BlackBerry 🙂
My first day of training in Tokyo and I managed to find my way here without a single wrong turn. It was a lovely 30 minute walk amidst the mass of dark suits and white shirts that is the rush hour in Tokyo 🙂
Not much to say really as I’ve been sitting in class all morning and have managed to get web access via the server we are using for the lab.
Why do I always sleep so badly when I go away? And because I’m away a
lot it kinda sucks big time 🙂
It’s 05:20 in the morning on the second day of my extended away’ness and
here I am surfing the web ‘cos I’m wide awake 🙁 I got to bed about
11:00 last night after dropping some colleagues of at a strip club in
Auckland and Vic sounded quite surprised that I didn’t join them when I
called her on the way back to the hotel 🙂
Now don’t get me wrong, I love a pretty naked woman as much as they
next guy (or girl) but previous history shows that strip clubs just
depress me. I think it’s the sheer look of boredom that most of the
strippers have when they are performing that does my head in. Nudity
should be all about fun dammit! 😉
Ahhh bugger it, I’m back off to bed with my ipod to see if I can get
another hour or so.
ramen – so so
Well the ramen noodle house was a bit disappointing. They’ve been open for less than a week and I have a feeling that the noodle dish I ordered wasn’t quite as I imagined it so best I give it another go next week 🙂
So here I am in Auckland on my normal weekly trip and I’ve walked into the hotel to discover that a ramen noodle bar has opened in the foyer. Being a big fan of noodles (handy for my trip to Tokyo next week) I know where I’ll be going for dinner tonight 🙂
email and mobile phone posting
This post is being sent from my mobile phone/PDA.
The testing from a normal email account seemed to work so hopefully this will as well 🙂
If it does work then I have absolutely no reason for not posting!