another week down

A week since my last update and only a couple of things to report

The most important is the fact that one of my work colleagues was caught up in the nightclub bombing in Bali. We spoke to him this morning when he arrived back in the UK and he doesn?t sound so good. From the sketchy information we can get it seems he was in or very close to the bar that was hit.  He is deaf in one ear from the explosion (not sure if it is temporary or not) and is pretty shook up. Supposedly he was moving bodies straight after – maybe to help survivors, I’m not sure.

It’s quite strange – I feel this a lot more than September 11th but I’m not sure why though.  I went to Kuta beach about 5 years ago and am pretty sure that I drank in that bar – that can’t be it though because I had been to the WTC only two years ago and my memories of that are a lot fresher.  Maybe it’s because so many antipodeans were involved?  I’m not sure, I’ll have to give it some more thought………

Back to happy things though!

Vic and I had a great weekend smile On Saturday we went and visited our friends Martin and Helen up in Royal Leamington Spa.  They had a wee girl Meggy quite a while back so it was nice to see how she had grown since Xmas (a lot!) We spent the afternoon with them and then went out for dinner in the middle of town. One very large curry later we staggered back to our hotel and lay on the bed for a while feeling slightly ill wink

Sunday morning we were up early and off to Warwick Castle for opening time at 10:00.  This is a lovely castle and seems handle visitors well (we got to try on very heavy medieval helmets smile) They started building it in the late 11th century and it has grown in size and complexity since then. The weather was very overcast so it wasn’t shown in it’s best light but it was impressive none the less and from there a quick 15 minute drive found in Shakespeare’s birthplace Stratford-on-Avon. This really is a lovely town (even in the rain :() with narrow streets flanked by very old and very wonky buildings. We saw a toy shop that was built in 1493! and took the requisite photo of the actual building that old Billy was born in.  Vic even reckons that she managed to get a shot with no Japanese tourists in!

On to baby things and he/she is being very active at the moment.  So much so that we have started calling him/her “fidget” smile The good thing with this is that I can talk about Fidget without giving the sex of the baby away smile

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3 Replies to “another week down”

  1. “Fidget” rhymes with “Gidget,” which is obviously a girl’s name.  So I could deduce that you are having a girl.

    But . . . you could be using a name like that throw us off, which would make you sneaky and clever.  A sneaky and clever man may just use a feminine name to disguise the fact that it’s really a boy.

    But . . . there is the possibility that you were even more clever than that, clever enough to realize that we won’t be fooled so easily by this deceptive ploy.  Which means that you chose a name that rhymes with a girl’s name, knowing that we might be deceived into thinking it’s a boy, which makes the real sex of the baby . . . a girl!

    (And yes, for those of you paying close attention, I was inspired by the great movie The Princess Bride.)

  2. Ahh yes – Vizzini……..

    ……… but he still died smile

    Maybe I built up a tolerance to baby names over many years though – so no matter what sex it was I would be immune….  wink

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