
? I can now open my jaw the whole way! smile I couldn’t when I was having lunch at 2pm yesterday but could when we had dinner at 7 – strange…… Still a bit sore but the fact that it opens the whole way two weeks after I had my wisdom teeth out is a weight off my mind. For a while I thought I’d be stuck opening my mouth one finger width wide 😮

? NZ had an up and down weekend sports wise – we lost the second race of the Americas cup (and on the last leg too :() But won the World Cup cricket match against South Africa smile In side news it was great to see Italy win only their second Six Nations rugby match this weekend (against Wales)

We’re all doing well and Max is pretty much behaving himself. Vic’s getting up once a night and if she can get get a nap during the day then things don’t seem too bad. If she doesn’t then it means that Max is playing up and that mixed with a lack of sleep gets a bit much at times I think. Luckily in cases like this I take him off her hands for a couple of hours in the evening and spend a couple of hours of quality time with my son by sending Vic off to bed wink He’s also now out of all his newborn clothes and into 0-3 months stuff and gets weighed again this week – should be interesting to see how much he’s put on this week smile

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2 Replies to “points”

  1. Good news about your jaw!  And glad to hear that things are starting to get into a routine and Max is doing better smile

    Have a good day! (hug)

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