as part of my new sales role i have been given a list of 300 companies to cold call.
i would like to point out how much i detest cold calling
it takes me about 10 minutes to psych myself into calling the number and then when i get hold of the person i want to (rare) i’m a gibbering idiot. i have written myself a wee script and it’s not even that people have been rude to me – they haven’t – it’s just for some reason i dread it!
i am getting better though. i’m about 100 into the list in 3 days and things are getting a little easier……. i think i’m getting to the stage where i don’t care and that makes it a lot easier to pick up the phone
still hate it though :zoink:
cold calling is horrid…I really feel for you…
btw, I love your photography, you have a great sense of texture