Max is now 9lb 3oz! We also scanned a few pictures of him just after he was born and have added them into the image database – with a few others that’s 13 new pictures today Here are my favourite ones…..
Click to enlarge
The chasms in my mouth that used to house my wisdom teeth are not causing me too much strife and panadol is keeping most of the discomfort at bay We also had a good night’s sleep at last and got to sleep from 23:00-04:30 and 05:30-09:00! Yee ha! Life is good…..
Don’t usually comment as am on the phone to the proud parents a million times a week, but aren’t the photos just wonderful? I’ve got the most beautiful grandchild ever!!
he’s precious
That last picture (with the hair sticking up) looks like he’s singing some love ballad!! He’s so adorable.
Aww, What a sweetie-pie! Take lots of photos, Daddy-o!