
Man, I am absolutely knackered!!

We are less than a week away from moving onto the new house (YAY!) and Vic and I, with the help of my Dad yesterday, have spent the last two days from 09:00 until sunset laying wooden flooring in the family room and kitchen and damn it looks good smile I have some pictures but can’t be arsed going upstairs and getting them……. maybe tomorrow.

In other news I did two things that I haven’t done for a while.

1) I gave blood on Thursday.  The first time in about 4 years and my 38th donation.

2) I paid for some software!  MS Office 2003 Standard for $199! A bargain and it just goes to show that if software is reasonably priced then I’ll buy it wink

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2 Replies to “knackered”

  1. mate! you might be eligible for the pay $30 and get an upgrade to 2004. I filled out a special form which you should be able to get from any dse or maybe bigbyte. you fill it out, give cc details and send it off with the top of the box…..

    you should check it out. J

  2. I can’t wait to see pictures!

    And 38th donation, that is so great! I’ve got 1 under my belt.  I want to be able to donate more often, but the Red Cross sets up at a local Legion Hall and I can’t deal with the smoke smell in there. It’s so icky and I come out of there smelling like I sat in a bar all night. Ack. 🙁 I wish they would move where they set up!

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