freddy’s fourth

Today was a busy day!  The beginning of the afternoon was spent at an end-of-football-season team and family BBQ which was a rushed affair for us seeing that we had to head off to a birthday party.  Max has a way busier social life than Vic and I put together!

The morning was spent finishing off Max’s magician costume for his friends Freddy’s fourth birthday party which went from two until four this afternoon.  Vic and I made the whole thing from scratch, including the wand, and I reckon it would have been cheaper (and certainly easier) to just buy an outfit.  In saying that it was quite satisfying to see that Max was the only kid in an outfit that was hand made.  Elliot went as a rock star with a little sleeveless denim jacket that Jason and Selena bought him from the UK.  We didn’t get a picture of Elliot but hopefully someone at the party did ‘cos he looked so cute.


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