
OMG Max is bulimic!  Well, not really smile He does have this bizarre habit of sticking his finger down his throat and throwing up though.  He really likes chewing on his fist and has gnawed away quite happily since he discovered that his fist could almost fit in his mouth. Then the thumb popped out so that got a chewing, then his index finger… The funny thing is that he sticks it so far in his mouth that he gags!

Stupid boy smile

bottle? no way dad!

We just had great fun trying to get Max to take a bottle for the first time smile We are going to see David Gray in concert in the middle of next month and as Nana Jan will be babysitting he needs to be able to have a bottle for at least one feed.

What a bloody palava it was trying to get him to feed tonight! He absolutely hated it and got more and more wound up as we went along and even got to that stage where he goes beyond crying and into whole body sobs 🙁 Not only was he really upset but Vic was almost in tears watching me trying it on with him, bless her. In the end he took about 40ml of expressed breast milk but that took about an hour and there was no real sucking involved – I think it just dribbled down his throat!


I’ve been playing with getting video onto the PC and although the software built into XP seems to be pretty basic I’ve managed to cut a bit out of Max smiling smile Not the best quality and you might want to turn the sound down ‘cos it’s got me being an idiot in the background wink

Wee video of Max. (.wmv file and 1.08MB)

woo hoo!

It’s 06:30 and Max has just slept though the night for the first time! Seven and a half hours of uninterupted sleep – bliss smile

We had a good night with him the night before but we thought it was an abberation. He had slept from 17:00 to 22:00, 23:00 to 04:00 and 04:30 until 08:00 and we thought that Christmas had come!

At least it’s nice to know that he can sleep through the night even if this might be a one off for the moment…………. 

getting bigger

Max is now 9lb 3oz! We also scanned a few pictures of him just after he was born and have added them into the image database – with a few others that’s 13 new pictures today smile Here are my favourite ones…..

pic pic pic
Click to enlarge

The chasms in my mouth that used to house my wisdom teeth are not causing me too much strife and panadol is keeping most of the discomfort at bay smile We also had a good night’s sleep at last and got to sleep from 23:00-04:30 and 05:30-09:00! Yee ha! smile Life is good…..